Are You the Ideal Candidate for Hair Transplant?

hair transplant in Indore

Are You the Ideal Candidate for Hair Transplant?

Are You the Right Candidate for Hair Transplant?

If you are experiencing severe genetic hair loss, you need a reliable treatment because usually, home remedies and hair products are not able to prevent genetic baldness.

Usually, hair loss doctors treat genetic hair loss with the help of an effective treatment called hair transplant in Indore.
In fact, hairs growing on the back and sides are resistant to genetic baldness.
During the hair transplant surgery, the surgeon removes these healthy and baldness resistant hairs from the back and sides and transplants them to the bald areas of the scalp.
Hair transplant surgery is an effective procedure if you have chosen a reliable and well-trained hair doctor in Indore.
Moreover, the success of hair transplant surgery depends on your candidacy as well.
After you have chosen your ideal hair transplant surgeon, the surgeon is going to check your scalp and hair to determine whether you are a good candidate for surgical hair loss treatment or not.

In this blog, we are going to tell you about some conditions that make you a perfect candidate for a hair transplant.

Age of the patients:

Actually, there are no age limits for the surgery but it is expected that the patients are above 25 and below 65.
Patients who are younger than 25, are supposed to have an unstable pattern of badness. On the other hand, patients older than 65 are expected to have extremely thin donor hairs on the scalp.

Your treatment depends on the type of hair loss:

Hair loss may occur due to several reasons. It is not necessary you face hair loss due to genetic reasons.
Male pattern baldness occurs due to genetic reasons and hair transplant surgery is mainly done for this health issue.
Therefore, your surgeon is going to perform hair transplant surgery only if you are experiencing male pattern baldness.

Progression of baldness and donor hairs:

Experts divide the progression of baldness into seven phases. Every phase is severer than the previous one. Moreover, every next phase means a weaker donor area.
Thus, the surgeon has to look at the grade of baldness and the size of the donor area.
Never forget that you need thick and dense donor hairs to ensure success after the surgery.

Your health condition:

Your health condition is also necessary if you wish to have good results after the treatment. An authentic hair clinic in Indore will recommend some tests before going for the surgery.
A healthy body with a strong immune system is vital for the recovery during the aftercare period.
If you have a poor health condition or are facing any chronic health issue, you have to inform your surgeon before the surgery, if you are taking any medications; tell your surgeon about it as well.
Finally, if you are looking for an authentic treatment of hair loss, you have to be a good candidate for hair transplant surgery.
Moreover, you have to find a qualified and trained hair specialist in Indore.
If you meet these two conditions, it is confirmed you will have amazing results after the surgery.

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