What Is The Success Rate Of Hair Transplants?

hair transplant in indore

What Is The Success Rate Of Hair Transplants?

What is the most common query about a hair transplant? The answer to this is about the success rate, according to a research, people these days are more concerned to know about the success and results of hair transplant. Looking over the answer to this, it seems that with the increase in technology and medical science, the success rates of hair transplants are deliberately increasing. But do you know what are the factors on which the success rate of hair transplant depends? Readout this article, which may help you to find the answer, the article and information are associated with the Marmm Clinic, which provides the best Hair Transplant in Indore.

The results of the hair transplant depend upon various factors like the suitability of the candidate, the type of treatment and so on.

Success Factors of a Hair Transplant

Correct Candidate

Hair transplant is the most attainable option for new hair growth, but there are various circumstances which give an impact on the results of it, the elements that affect the success of the hair transplant include the thickness of hair, the stage of hair loss, the flexibility of the scalp. Likewise, the age, health, and genetics also affect the results.

Successful Recovery

It is important to follow the prescribed aftercare to attain the best results of the hair transplant, along with this, the surgeon also has to contribute in the aftercare by having a regular follow up with the patient for a fixed period of time. The whole recovery process decides the success rates of a hair transplant.

Successful Procedure

The two most common methods of hair transplant are follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE). Both these methods are effective and you can select any method, the success of both these methods depends upon the pre-operative treatment and most importantly upon the surgeon who is performing it. It is important that the surgeon will analyze the patient scalp condition properly in the pre-operative treatment, a good surgeon can analyze most of the results of the pre-operative treatment for the patient.

Experienced Surgeon & Hygienic Clinic

This is the most important prospect on which the success of a hair transplant depends, to assess a hair transplant with maximum success rate, you will need to select a good hair transplant clinic and surgeon, the clinic needs to be equipped with the latest technology along with safe hygiene and the surgeon you choose must have to be extremely qualified having a sound amount of experience to bring out the most positive outcomes of your hair transplant.

How Marmm can increase the success rate of your hair transplant?

There are various technical success factors like donor hair availability, the method of hair transplant and more. Best hair transplant surgeons in Indore at Marmm provides a hair transplant with the along with additional aspects that are needed to achieve a successful hair transplant. The results are always focused to increase more and more success rate of a hair transplant.


Having a hair transplant, you can attain the new and natural growth of hair at the place of the bald area, but to have a maximum success rate it is important that you should select the best hair transplant surgeon with suitable qualification and experience to perform your hair transplant. You can also visit the Marmm Clinic, as it is one of the best hair transplant clinics which provides best Hair Transplant in Indore. So visit the website and book your appointment right now.

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